Friday, August 5, 2011

Awesome interview with candidate Ron Paul

Hat Tip:  The Humble Libertarian!

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ron Paul receives most military donations, again!

Clearly, a WIN!

Ron Paul receives most military donations, again

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ron Paul Questions "The Bernank" on Gold

No comment needed..!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Forbes Slams RP... But it Turns Into a Win for Liberty!

A recent Forbes article slams Ron Paul:   The Problem With Ron Paul’s Magical Debt Extinguishing Wand

The article goes on for quite a bit, and disparages Paul with no little authority.

I have to admit my heart sank, as I did not have time to write a proper rebuttal.

But when you click on the "Expand Comments" button...!  I saw this:
  1. collapse
    Why not follow Paul’s plan and immediately raise reserve requirements instead of the traditional sell off of the bonds to prevent inflation?
  2. collapse
    Absolutely expected such an article from Forbes. As bugs Bunny would say, “What a Maroon!”
    The author expects the FED to be able to sell a T-bill to “soak up” the money at exactly the time no one will want a T-bill and the dollar will begin its march to oblivion. He obviously missed the point that the only thing keeping T-Bill purchases going is the Fed, not the Open Market.
  3. collapse
    1. The author seems to have completely missed the main point about the bond market:
    That without fed intervention to prop it up (ie: buying between 70-85% of bonds) no one else is displaying much confidence in lending to the US… sustainable? Worrying
    2. The proposal is to trade REAL assets owned by the government for the junk bonds owned by the fed? Next time… why not just auction these assets to raise money rather than pump the markets full of funny money and distort interest rates?
  4. collapse
    Really, Mr. Hunter? You seem to be confused about how the monetary system works. Allow me to enlighten you.
    The damage is done by the Fed; it’s 1.6 trillion dollars of faux-wealth will never be taken from the money supply because we all (should) know that when the Fed conducts large scale OMO’s, they always buy bonds, expanding the money supply and depreciating our currency.
    Ron Paul’s plan is just clearing up some of the stupidity of the Federal Reserve and our government in general. It would allow Congress to avoid raising the debt ceiling, without having any consequences that wouldn’t happen anyway (such as the 1.6 trillion in new credit).
    Additionally, this move could open America’s eyes to the irony of the Federal Reserve and bolster more support for Ron Paul. That way, the next time Congress votes to raise the debt ceiling, President Paul could veto it! Unfortunately, such a Constitutional government may be difficult to achieve with morons like you miseducating the public about the monetary system.
  5. collapse
    “Real assets owned by the U.S. government in exchange for all or part of the $1.6 trillion in federal bonds held by the Fed.”
    So let me get this straight; we give the Fed “assets” that are “owned” by the the government, which means assets owned by the people, and then let the Fed sell them off to the private sector.
    I think your missing the whole point; the government, and more importantly, the people, do not owe this non-governmental cartel of banks (the Federal Reserve) that money. The Fed printed abunch of phony money – they can deal with it – just walk away from it. Don’t give them our assets and let them sell them off to get more money.
    Also, who do you think they’re going to sell these to? My guess would be Goldmansachs, JP Morgan and other banking interests that they have ties to, oh and probably some foreign banks and corporations.
    Ron Paul was right in 2008 when he warned us off the economic collapse coming (and no other politicians agreed, in fact, most of them, and the mainstream media, laughed at him…whose laughing now?) – how about give him some respect – he obviously knows more than the other “experts.”

    ...And there's a LOT MORE where those came from!
    Forbes tried to frame the debate, but the American people called them on the carpet!


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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Three Senators Call For Afghanistan Withdrawal By End Of 2012

I call this a WIN!

WASHINGTON -- Two Democratic senators and one Republican senator are calling for the removal of all regular combat troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2012, a timetable that is significantly shorter than the one President Obama recently announced.

"We commend the president for sticking to the July date he had outlined for beginning the withdrawal. However, his plan would not remove all regular combat troops until 2014," Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Tom Udall (D-N.M.) wrote in a Tuesday op-ed in The New York Times.
"We believe the United States is capable of achieving this goal by the end of 2012. America would be more secure and stronger economically if we recognized that we have largely achieved our objectives in Afghanistan and moved aggressively to bring our troops and tax dollars home," the senators continued.
In the op-ed, they said the U.S. is spending $10 billion a month in Afghanistan while back home, the United States is struggling with "high unemployment and a flood of foreclosures, a record deficit and a debt that is over $14 trillion and growing."
"It is not too late to change course in what has become the longest American war in history. In light of our considerable national needs, both security and domestic, we urge the president to bring our troops home at last," they concluded. 

More at

Via The Humble Libertarian

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Case dismissed against woman arrested while videotaping police!

This is very good news -The case against a Rochester woman arrested while videotaping police has been dismissed.


I followed this with particular interest as I lived in Rochester for some years, and have a very good friend on the police force there.  I was particularly heartened by the response from Mayor Tom Richards, City Council President Lovely Warren and Rochester Police Chief James Sheppard:

    "Whatever the outcome of the internal review, we want to make clear that it is not the policy or practice of the Rochester Police Department to prevent citizens from observing its activities - including photographing or videotaping - as long as it does not interfere with the safe conduct of those activities. It is also not the policy or practice of the Department to selectively enforce laws in response to the activities of a group or individual. This has always been the case and it is being reinforced within the Department, so that it will be abundantly clear to everyone."

I have always held that not only should people videotape the police - the police should have a 360 degree camera running either on their shoulder radio or on their cruiser, at all times..

This is for their protection as well as the public, because as hard as it may seem for some people to believe, police officers often have to deal with people who act like absolute dicks to them, and then deny they acted that way.

In short, videotaping when the police come in contact with the public helps encourage everyone to be on their best behavior!

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nobel Laureate Economist Robert Mundell: "The debate should be focused on what the best gold system is, not on whether we need to go back on one."

Very good news!  (emphasis mine)

"Professor Robert Mundell urges gold convertibility for the euro, the currency which he fathered, as well as for the dollar. This is a major step forward. Thought leaders are abandoning “old monetarism,” which was vainly fixated on quantity. Even its chief proponent, Milton Friedman, acknowledged old monetarism as unsuccessful in a 2003 interview with the Financial TimesAn emerging “new monetarism” is quickly taking its place — one that focuses on the quality, not quantity, of money.
Empirical data suggest that the gold dollar represents the epitome of quality.  As Forbes’ own Steve Forbes advised the presidential candidates last week, the “debate should be focused on what the best gold system is, not on whether we need to go back on one.”
This is a very encouraging article, and well worth the read.  Full article here!

h/t Eric DeGroot

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tucson Mayoral Candidate Siezes Dozens of Foreclosed Homes, Kicks Out Real Estate Agents!

This is hilarious!

A Tucson mayoral candidate from a fringe political party has seized dozens of foreclosed homes in metro Phoenix, changing the locks, kicking out real-estate agents and posting "Do Not Trespass" signs.
Marshall Home, who claims many foreclosures are illegal, has filed documents in the past two weeks with the Maricopa County Recorder's Office showing he has supposedly taken ownership of at least 21 homes belonging to government-owned mortgage giant Fannie Mae. But none of the documents shows any money has changed hands, and Fannie Mae says it has not sold the houses.
Real-estate agents and experts say Home's documents, a type of real-estate form called a special-warranty deed, aren't valid.
"Fannie Mae has not authorized the transfer of the properties in question to the organization," spokesman Andrew Wilson said. "We will pursue appropriate legal action and involve law enforcement as necessary."
But for now, Home's Independent Rights Political Party Trust is claiming to own the houses. Several of the homes have people living in them.
"Lenders are gangsters, and they can't prove they own these homes. So they have no right to foreclose," said the 80-year-old self-professed billionaire from his real-estate and political office in Tucson on Tuesday. "I plan to continue to take homes from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. I would buy them, but those groups can't produce the notes showing they are the rightful owners to sell or foreclose on them."

Full article here!

h/t Zerohedge

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Monetary Policy is now Blue-Collar Break Room Discussion!

You read that title right:  The much maligned J6P (Joe Six Pack) are now discussing monetary policy among themselves...  And they are NOT HAPPY!

"While on my lunch break, I couldn't help but overhear a number of ladies who were discussing our national debt, budgetary woes, and the general economic malaise of our day. To my delighted surprise one of the ladies frustratedly remarked, "I don't see why they keep printing money, when it just makes the money we already have worth less."

There it was--monetary policy being discussed in a blue-collar breakroom! This was no political wonk or economic junkie lamenting poor economic policy; this was an average lady showing concern over the inflationary policies of our government."

Read the whole thing over at the excellent Humble Libertarian!

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Registers of Deeds in Massachusetts and North Carolina are rejecting robo-signed documents!

This is a HUGE win for Liberty!  

First, the Register of Deeds in Massachusets is rejecting "robo-signed" documents,

and shortly thereafter, the the North Carolina Register of deeds is doing the same!

Some quotes from the Massachusetts office press release:

“Knowing what I now know, it would be a dereliction of my duties as the keeper of the records to record these documents and any other documents that contain questionable signatures. To do so, would make me a willing participant in a continuing scheme which has corrupted the chain of title of thousands of Essex County property owners. I have decided to put a stop to this reckless behavior and hold these lenders and their agents accountable for the authenticity of what they are attempting to record in my Registry. I do not believe this to be unreasonable.”
“Now that Register Thigpen has joined with me, I am hopeful that my other colleagues around the country will also take the same action. I strongly believe that this will send a message, loud and clear, that we as Registers and Recorders of Deeds, whose responsibility it is to protect the integrity of the land recordation system, will not be a party to any fraudulent scheme that may damage individual’s property rights”

Hats off to Misters O’Brien and Thigpen!

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Tables Turn: Deputies and movers show up at bank to seize property for homeowner!

A clear WIN!

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Netizens stick up for free expression and Liberty!

I was preparing for bed the way I usually do, looking over a few of my favorite humor blogs to put me in a good mood before I drift off to dreamland.

And, I saw this photo

 With the snarky caption, You left out “Ignorant Redneck”

Mmm...  No, I don't think so.

Naturally, I was a little perturbed, as while I'm not a Christian, a Conservative, or a property owner (land, anyway...  And while I technically own a gun, my brother keeps it for me in upstate NY), the other things on that truck pretty much fit me - So I ambled over to the comments to exercise my first amendment rights.

...And to my surprise, I saw 46 comments, and 95% of them were supportive of the truck owner!

Call me crazy, but just a few short years ago, I don't think we would have seen so many people sticking up for someone unabashedly expressing themselves for Liberty!

Warms the cockles of my heart, it does (and makes me want to buy some vinyl letters to put on my wagon!).

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Monday, May 16, 2011

House GOP denies TSA funds for more body scanners!

This is very encouraging news - The House GOP has denied funding for more body scanners, and the Texas House of Representatives have passed legislation that would make the controversial pat-downs illegal.  Full story here!

This t-shirt displays the 4th amendment - and it shows up on a body scanner!

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

The heat is getting turned up on the Fed!

Would you even have imagined we would be seeing this sort of discussion a few years ago?

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Triple win! Audit the Fed cosponsor list grows, and TWO audit the Fed op-eds!

Both via Campaign for Liberty!

Cosponsor list grows

Two op eds - Audit the Fed!

Image courtesy of the excellent Mark Rain 

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Friday, May 6, 2011

Ron Paul Has Best Chance vs Obama According to CNN Shock Poll!

Reports CNN just hours ahead of the Republican debate:

'What about the showdown in November 2012?

According to the poll, taken before the announcement of Osama bin Laden's death, President Barack Obama has an edge over all the top GOP candidates in hypothetical match-ups.

Who does best against Obama? Paul. The congressman from Texas, who also ran as a libertarian candidate for president in 1988 and who is well liked by many in the tea party movement, trails the president by only seven points (52 to 45 percent) in a hypothetical general election showdown. Huckabee trails by eight points, with Romney down 11 points to Obama.'

Read the whole thing here.

(Via the highly recommended Humble Libertarian!)

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple Signs Obamacare Nullification Bill

And the wins keep coming...

North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple Signs Obamacare Nullification Bill

Get the full story here!

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Gary Johnson throws his hat in the presidential ring!

It's looking more and more that we will have not just one Libertarian presidential candidate (Ron Paul IMO is almost certain to run), but two!

Good coverage from the MSM here

Check out his sentiment on the growing nullification movement here:

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Monday, April 18, 2011

‘Atlas Shrugged’ Earns $1.7 Million at Weekend Box Office

This is very encouraging news!

"“We’re at the upper edge of our expectations,” said “Shrugged” producer Harmon Kaslow. “And we’re a way above what the industry expected us to do.”"
full article:

I saw the movie last Friday when it opened, and I think it's a 3 out of 4 stars, but I'm hardly an objective reviewer.

But what was really encouraging to me is the theater had ~120 people in it, and spontaneous applause erupted several times!

The box office returns and the audience response to the movie are clear signs:  People are waking up!

h/t Silver Circle Underground

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

President Signs Repeal of Expanded 1099 Requirements

I am no fan of our current president.  But this time, he has done the right thing. 

"On Thursday, President Barack Obama signed into law the Comprehensive 1099 Taxpayer Protection and Repayment of Exchange Subsidy Overpayments Act of 2011 (HR 4; 1099 Act), which repeals both the expanded Form 1099 information reporting requirements mandated by last year’s health care legislation and also the 1099 reporting requirements imposed on taxpayers who receive rental income enacted as part of last year’s Small Business Jobs Act (PL 111-240). The Senate approved the bill on April 5, and the House voted in favor of it on March 3."

While some of the provisions remain in place, the lion's share has been repealed.

Full article


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Monday, April 11, 2011

Alaska House passes two state sovereignty bills

JUNEAU, Alaska (April 11, 2011) – The Alaska House flexed its muscle today, overwhelmingly passing two bills asserting Alaska state sovereignty.
When states seek to nullify unconstitutional acts, opponents immediately run to the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution, asserting federal acts trump state law. HB 8 makes clear the proper scope of ArticleVI.

A federal statute, regulation, presidential executive order, or secretarial order that is unconstitutional or was not properly adopted in accordance with federal statutory authority may not be considered to preempt a state law. 

The bill further gives the House and Senate committees exercising jurisdiction over judicial matters the authority to consider whether legislative action is necessary in response to any unconstitutional act the state attorney general finds conflicting with Alaska law.

If signed into law, the act would effectively set the stage for legislative nullification of unconstitutional acts.
HB 8 passed the House 29-10 with one abstention.

Language in the bill succinctly defines the limits of the supremacy clause.

Federal statutes, regulations, presidential executive orders, and secretarial orders that are unconstitutional or not properly adopted in accordance with constitutional and statutory authority are not laws of the United States for the purposes of the Supremacy Clause; and federal regulations, presidential executive orders, and secretarial orders that are not properly adopted in accordance with statutory authority may not preempt state laws that are not in conflict with federal statutory authority, regulations, and secretarial orders properly adopted in accordance with that statutory authority. 

Full article:

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Popular culture props - Desperate Housewives

A minor win (favorable mention of Libertarianism in pop culture), but funny enough I thought I'd share!

Warning:  Female orgasm depicted!


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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

People are waking up - Yahoo Finance comments are encouraging!

I occasionally checked the comments section of of Yahoo Finance articles to get a feel for what the general sentiment is among the public.

Usually it is full of typical "Red team vs. Blue team" partisan BS bickering, missing the big picture in the most spectacular way, often to the point where I have suspected Democans and Republicrats of hiring programmers to write "comment bots" to create the illusion of debate.

Imagine my surprise when I saw this as the highest rated comment on the Yahoo Finance "Ticker" article: Our Debt Binge Is Ending — And The Middle Class Will Get Clobbered left by one Dale Krafty:

"Lets see..cut military spending by 10%, eliminate secret service details for former presidents, no pension healthcare for politicians serving less than 16 years in office. 8% luxury tax on salaries and bonuses over $5 mil, 1% import tax, 1% fed excise tax on security trades, elimate earn income credit, cut child tax credits, cap welfare so people quit having more kids to have more income. cut algriculture and energy subsidies. And quit leading the fight in every battle around world...Yeah i think after all that we would again have a surplus to start fixing our @#$% problems here in the U.S.A."

Holy cow!  Followed by:

"George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would be ashamed of this country....especially it's "leaders"......left and right."

If you read the comments there, there are many, many more like that.  People are waking up!

Trust me, this is a HUGE change from just a few months ago, where you would normally see "Obama bad, Bush good!" or "Bush bad, Obama good!" or some other inane blather.

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