Thursday, April 28, 2011

North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple Signs Obamacare Nullification Bill

And the wins keep coming...

North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple Signs Obamacare Nullification Bill

Get the full story here!

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Gary Johnson throws his hat in the presidential ring!

It's looking more and more that we will have not just one Libertarian presidential candidate (Ron Paul IMO is almost certain to run), but two!

Good coverage from the MSM here

Check out his sentiment on the growing nullification movement here:

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Monday, April 18, 2011

‘Atlas Shrugged’ Earns $1.7 Million at Weekend Box Office

This is very encouraging news!

"“We’re at the upper edge of our expectations,” said “Shrugged” producer Harmon Kaslow. “And we’re a way above what the industry expected us to do.”"
full article:

I saw the movie last Friday when it opened, and I think it's a 3 out of 4 stars, but I'm hardly an objective reviewer.

But what was really encouraging to me is the theater had ~120 people in it, and spontaneous applause erupted several times!

The box office returns and the audience response to the movie are clear signs:  People are waking up!

h/t Silver Circle Underground

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

President Signs Repeal of Expanded 1099 Requirements

I am no fan of our current president.  But this time, he has done the right thing. 

"On Thursday, President Barack Obama signed into law the Comprehensive 1099 Taxpayer Protection and Repayment of Exchange Subsidy Overpayments Act of 2011 (HR 4; 1099 Act), which repeals both the expanded Form 1099 information reporting requirements mandated by last year’s health care legislation and also the 1099 reporting requirements imposed on taxpayers who receive rental income enacted as part of last year’s Small Business Jobs Act (PL 111-240). The Senate approved the bill on April 5, and the House voted in favor of it on March 3."

While some of the provisions remain in place, the lion's share has been repealed.

Full article


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Monday, April 11, 2011

Alaska House passes two state sovereignty bills

JUNEAU, Alaska (April 11, 2011) – The Alaska House flexed its muscle today, overwhelmingly passing two bills asserting Alaska state sovereignty.
When states seek to nullify unconstitutional acts, opponents immediately run to the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution, asserting federal acts trump state law. HB 8 makes clear the proper scope of ArticleVI.

A federal statute, regulation, presidential executive order, or secretarial order that is unconstitutional or was not properly adopted in accordance with federal statutory authority may not be considered to preempt a state law. 

The bill further gives the House and Senate committees exercising jurisdiction over judicial matters the authority to consider whether legislative action is necessary in response to any unconstitutional act the state attorney general finds conflicting with Alaska law.

If signed into law, the act would effectively set the stage for legislative nullification of unconstitutional acts.
HB 8 passed the House 29-10 with one abstention.

Language in the bill succinctly defines the limits of the supremacy clause.

Federal statutes, regulations, presidential executive orders, and secretarial orders that are unconstitutional or not properly adopted in accordance with constitutional and statutory authority are not laws of the United States for the purposes of the Supremacy Clause; and federal regulations, presidential executive orders, and secretarial orders that are not properly adopted in accordance with statutory authority may not preempt state laws that are not in conflict with federal statutory authority, regulations, and secretarial orders properly adopted in accordance with that statutory authority. 

Full article:

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Popular culture props - Desperate Housewives

A minor win (favorable mention of Libertarianism in pop culture), but funny enough I thought I'd share!

Warning:  Female orgasm depicted!


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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

People are waking up - Yahoo Finance comments are encouraging!

I occasionally checked the comments section of of Yahoo Finance articles to get a feel for what the general sentiment is among the public.

Usually it is full of typical "Red team vs. Blue team" partisan BS bickering, missing the big picture in the most spectacular way, often to the point where I have suspected Democans and Republicrats of hiring programmers to write "comment bots" to create the illusion of debate.

Imagine my surprise when I saw this as the highest rated comment on the Yahoo Finance "Ticker" article: Our Debt Binge Is Ending — And The Middle Class Will Get Clobbered left by one Dale Krafty:

"Lets see..cut military spending by 10%, eliminate secret service details for former presidents, no pension healthcare for politicians serving less than 16 years in office. 8% luxury tax on salaries and bonuses over $5 mil, 1% import tax, 1% fed excise tax on security trades, elimate earn income credit, cut child tax credits, cap welfare so people quit having more kids to have more income. cut algriculture and energy subsidies. And quit leading the fight in every battle around world...Yeah i think after all that we would again have a surplus to start fixing our @#$% problems here in the U.S.A."

Holy cow!  Followed by:

"George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would be ashamed of this country....especially it's "leaders"......left and right."

If you read the comments there, there are many, many more like that.  People are waking up!

Trust me, this is a HUGE change from just a few months ago, where you would normally see "Obama bad, Bush good!" or "Bush bad, Obama good!" or some other inane blather.

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