Monday, June 13, 2011

Monetary Policy is now Blue-Collar Break Room Discussion!

You read that title right:  The much maligned J6P (Joe Six Pack) are now discussing monetary policy among themselves...  And they are NOT HAPPY!

"While on my lunch break, I couldn't help but overhear a number of ladies who were discussing our national debt, budgetary woes, and the general economic malaise of our day. To my delighted surprise one of the ladies frustratedly remarked, "I don't see why they keep printing money, when it just makes the money we already have worth less."

There it was--monetary policy being discussed in a blue-collar breakroom! This was no political wonk or economic junkie lamenting poor economic policy; this was an average lady showing concern over the inflationary policies of our government."

Read the whole thing over at the excellent Humble Libertarian!

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